So I know it's not a very big bump yet, but it's so fun to be showing, even a little bit!
We had our 14 week Dr. appointment yesterday and everything went great. My blood pressure was really good and I've only gained 1 pound so far. I was a little surprised at that because my appetite has come back and I've been eating a lot more food, but I guess since I lost weight during my first trimester, I'm just now gaining it all back. We also heard the baby's heartbeat again (YAY!) with the Doppler, which is always so fun and bit of a relief. That was really it for that appointment - definitely my quickest one yet. The Dr. and I spent some time at the end talking about a preliminary birth plan and the chances of early induction (which is very common in diabetic women). It's good to start thinking about all of this now and to start planning as much as we can.
This next week our to-do's are to pick out the child birth and prenatal classes we want to attend. I think we'll try to do as many as possible, seeing as how we pretty much don't know anything when it comes to labor, breastfeeding, lamaz, taking care of a newborn, etc. My next Dr. appointment is on March 13 and I'll be about 18 1/2 weeks, so that's when we should know the sex of the baby! We're dying to know, so that time can't come soon enough for us. We'll let you all know if it's a boy or girl, but in the meantime don't forget to vote in our poll and tell us what you think!
Congradu-stinkin-lations!!!!! I had NO idea! This is such a blessing. The three of you will be in our prayers.